The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS; ISSN 2616-9533) is a peer-reviewed diamond open-access journal which creates an interdisciplinary space for debate on all aspects of American Studies. It functions as a forum for Americanists in Austria and the global academic community. Published twice a year, the journal welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics, aiming to broaden the multi- and interdisciplinary study of American cultures.
JAAAS is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
JAAAS does not charge any article-processing charges (APCs). All academic content is licensed under CC BY 4.0; accordingly, authors retain copyright of their submissions, while JAAAS only holds the right to first publication. Creative content (which we only publish occasionally) may be published under stricter Creative Commons licenses.
Mission and Aims
Interrogating the notion of "America" and looking at the US within its transnational and (trans-)hemispheric interconnections, JAAAS wants to challenge disciplinary boundaries by bringing together original and innovative work by scholars who focus on topics as diverse as literature, cultural studies, film and new media, visual arts, ethnic studies, indigenous studies, performance studies, queer studies, border studies, mobility studies, age studies, game studies, and animal studies. Apart from offering insights into trans- and international American literary and cultural studies and offering European perspectives on America, the journal also seeks scholarship that deals with history, music, politics, geography, ecocriticism, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, law, and any other aspect of American culture and society.
JAAAS is powered by Open Journal Systems. Its issues are published through the digital publication services of the University of Innsbruck, who guarantee long-term storage of the journal contents even if the journal should stop publishing new issues. The first four issues are also archived on the publication server of the University of Graz, which originally hosted the journal. In addition, content is preserved through the PKP Preservation Network.
JAAAS is supported by the Austrian Association for American Studies and hosted and supported by the University of Innsbruck, Austria.
JAAAS is published twice a year, in the spring and fall.