Valentina Romanzi Staying Human in the Post-Apocalypse: The Frontiers of Individualism in The Last of Us and Its Sequel
Philip McGowan What We Imagine Knowledge to Be: Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, and Seventy Years of American Studies
Julia Leyda The Feminist Futures of American Studies: Addressing the Post-Weinstein Media and Cultural Landscape
Maria Proitsaki Poetry as a Strategy for Teaching English: Using Nikki Giovanni's Poetry in the English as a Second-/Foreign-Language Classroom
Ralph Poole "Huck Finn at King Arthur's Court": F. O. Matthiessen, the Salzburg Seminar, and American Studies
Anna Marta Marini Semiospheric Borders and the Erasure of Latinx Subjectivity in Culture Shock and Sleep Dealer
Katharina Wiedlack Suffragists and Russian Suffering : Vulnerability in Early Progressive US Movements
Michael Fuchs Videogames in Horror Movies: Remediation, Metalepsis, Interface Effects, and Fear of the Digital
Stefan Schubert Working-Class Labor in Postapocalyptic America: Affect, Politics, and the 'Forgotten Man' in Death Stranding
Phillip J. Ardoin From the Capitol to the Heartland: Analyzing Congressional Rhetoric and the "Flyover Country" Narrative
Ralph Poole 'Ta, te, ti, toe, too': The Horrors of the Harsh Female Voice in 1950s Hollywood Comedies